I know, I know. I am starting to get lazy and I haven’t really done any full length posts but these image posts will at least give you some quick pointers. That being said this is just another visual lesson on how you can use Excel Sparklines with the merging tool to make large charts that represent your data. (more…)
Alright so the Alt key may not allow you to access everything that Excel has to offer but pretty darn close. You’ll see below that you can use the Alt Excel Shortcut key to quickly access any of the functionality that is available in the ribbon. (more…)
Happy Monday everyone! This is another very quick post about how you can use some of Excel’s awesome functionality. In this post I want to show how to use Excel custom number formatting to format a range of numbers into thousands (k). Simply follow the steps below and you’ll be right on your way. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment. (more…)
This is just another quick and simple shortcut that you can use to make your life a little bit easier. Use Alt + = to automatically add/sum a range of cells.
This is just another quick little image/post that shows how powerful Excel shortcuts can be. If you have the time, please leave some of your favorite keyboard shortcuts in the comments – I’d love to hear them. If you have any specific to pivot tables even better. Thanks for checking the website out as always!
I was just going through some handy shortcuts in Excel and thought I’d toss this on my website for all of you. You can select multiple sheets/tabs at once in a workbook and apply a formula/formatting to a cell and have it be applied to all sheets. You can also check out the formula I used in this example. I used the index formula nested with the max formula to identify the highest sales value by product category. This formula translates over automatically to each country tab. Have a look for yourself.
If you have any questions feel free to drop a line in the comments.