5 Little-Known Excel Tips That Will Make You Look Smarter Than Your Co-Workers
In this day and age, the internet is literally bursting at the seams with new content and it's becoming easier and easier to find unique content that can help you further your career. There are so many different Excel tips out there but today I wanted to bring up a...
The Vlookup Formula: Why Your Employer Wants you to Know How to Use It (And What You Can Do About It)
Have you ever looked at a data set and thought, if only I had one more piece of information I could really understand the full picture and make good decisions with this information. Realizing that you can make this happen is a pretty rewarding experience. Mature...
The Excel Sales Trend Dashboard
THIS WEEK'S EXCEL TIPS TIP # 1: How to Create Mini Chart Overlays on Your Dashboards TIP #2: How to Add Data Callouts to Your Excel Dashboards Charts for High/Low Values TIP #3: How to Add Excel Data Validation to Your Dashboards THE FEATURED PRODUCT For decades,...
Excel Tutorial: 3 Tips on How to Create an Automated Budget & Expense Tracker
THIS WEEK'S EXCEL TIPS TIP # 1: Keep Your Dashboard Header Visible Using Freeze Panes TIP #2: Create Buttons in Your Header to Navigate Between Worksheets TIP #3: Use a Nested SUM & IF Formula to Summarize Your Detailed Expenses THE FEATURED PRODUCT ...
Be More Valuable in the Office: 5 Ways to Increase Your Efficiency in Excel
When you're first starting out in Excel, becoming efficient is an afterthought. Whether you like it or not, Excel seems to be the tool of choice for data manipulation, charting, reporting, and dashboards in nearly all workplaces simply for the fact that if you know...
3 Reasons Why You Need to Start Using Excel GETPIVOTDATA
I'm super excited today to announce the first guest blogger post on bradedgar.com. The best part about this is that this guest blogger is a veteran in Excel especially when it comes to Excel Pivot Tables. The person I am talking about is John Michaloudis who...