Sumproduct Vs. Excel Pivot Tables: Which Method is Best for Calculating Highest Monthly Production Scrap Value
Getting the answers to your most important business questions is imperative for achieving success. Being able to find the answers to your questions can quickly give you insight into what business processes and procedures need to be fixed in order for you to lower...
Excel Pivot Tables: Stop Manually Updating Your Source Data By Using Excel Tables
I use pivot tables everyday to answer pretty much any of the questions my colleagues may have about any type of information or data. The beautiful thing about pivot tables is that they allow you to quickly and easily summarize large sets of data where you will have...
Excel Formulas: Build Random Item Transaction History Data Using the Index Randbetween CountA Formula
For the past week or two, I have been working on building an online course through Udemy and it has been consuming most of my free time so I haven't had a whole lot of opportunity to post anything here on my blog. That being said, I've been looking around for...
Excel Tables: Using Excel Tables to Summarize, Filter and Autofill formulas Like a Boss
This is a guest post by CPA David Ringstrom from Accounting Advisors, Inc. David covers some functionality from Excel tables in 60 seconds. His video shows you how to expand tables, add total rows, autofill data and shows us how the filter option becomes immediately...
Excel Pivot Tables: Monitoring Daily Inventory Valuation Changes By Day
Excel Pivot tables can be a pretty handy tool for summarizing and making sense of your data. In this example, I've built a small table to show you how you can use pivot tables to calculate value differences between different dates. This can come in handy especially...
Excel Tables: How to Create Built in Summary Formulas
A How To Video Tutorial For Using Formulas in Excel Tables The idea to provide a quick tutorial on how to use summary formulas within Excel Tables came from Joe Stephens. Joe commented the other day on my blog mentioning that you could use the built in header...